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Computer Jay's Service, Repair and Custom Surveillance



Computer Jay's was established in 2007.  Jay has been working on computers for over 25 years. His goal is to provide the best computer servicing in the area at a reasonable cost. Most service center's in the area are charging over one hundred dollars an hour for labor, plus cost of parts.


Jay has made it very clear, "I'm not here to break the bank. There was a time when I knew very little about PC's and I thought it was ridiculous to charge obscene prices to repair something."


House calls are available and working around your schedule is often the best plan. There is already enough stress caused by a sick computer, let's not add anymore by trying to juggle schedules.


Feel free to contact us between the Hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm in office, but can be reached by phone until 10;00pm, 6 days a week, at which point we can discuss your schedule and get your needs met on your time.  Jay is a family man and depending on his holiday plans, he may be able to make it on a holiday.  The most important holiday in which he is  certain he will be unavailable, is his children's birthday's.

     Keeping your computer running smooth and your home or business safe.



                        Call Today...




      Outside of the Standard PC repairs, Computer Jay's offers other services.  

     Jay's offers Minor Repairs for XBOX, Creating Networks for the XBOX to allow viewing of photos and videos from PC to XBOX.   As well, Jay's can set up  your wireless networks  for your wireless devices.

     We also offers virus scanning and removal by using some of the most sophisticated software to remove those "not so easy to remove" viruses.

     As well, we offer custom built surveillance systems for your home or small business, with state of the art safety and security systems that can be viewed remotely from your  home PC, laptop or even from your smart phone, PDA, etc.



Tel: 715-773-2033


26353 WI-27 Suite D Holcombe, WI 54745

Follow this link for after hours Support and Consulting.  



Tel: 715-773-2033

26353 WI-27 Suite D

Holcombe, WI 54745

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© 2019  by Computer Jay.

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